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The latest Australian Journal of Psychiatry reports an association between vitamin D in mothers and ADHD in their children. The Journal of clinical Oncology reports and association between vitamin D and relapse after stem cell transplant. Two more...
Whats News
No surprises to find that most people do not eat enough vegetables. The latest report by the CSRIO commissioned by Horticulture Australia found that less than half of the participants where eating enough fruit and less than a third were eating enough vegetables....
What’s news
Taking the oral contraceptive pill may not be good for your mental health. A recent randomized study of 340 Swedish women showed that use of oral contraceptives adversely affected quality of life -- including mood and energy level -- compared with a placebo....
Every journey starts
With a first stepInterviews
I like interviewing people who I find interesting, motivating or worth while talking to. Thanks to those who have thus far kindly agreed to feature on Amusings.
I like beer- The Story of Aether Brewing
"Me and my mate both like beer, so we decided to start a brewery" Those were the first words Jimmy Young said to me when I asked him how he became the founder and co-owner of Aether Brewing, the funkiest brewery, eatery and functions venue in Brisbane. ...
Marvin Baumeister – the extreme CEO
Marvin Baumeister is not your average business person. He is the owner of clothing and sports shop, director of a kite boarding company, the CEO of a kite foil manufacturing company, a music producer, tourism promoter and sponsored kite surfer. His rule in...
Who’s who- John Lazarou
What makes some people succeed and others fail ? Some people, we are told are, destined for great things. Not however John Lazarou. His high school teacher told him he was a lost cause and encouraged him to leave school at the earliest opportunity. John...
Travel with your mind
As well as your heartOpinion Pieces
Amusings Opinions
Lies, Damn lies and Covid
“There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics” warns Benjamin Disreili or perhaps Mark Twain depending on which source you quote. Irrespective of who you attribute the quote to it remains a timely warning about the pitfalls of blindly believing...
The First Casualty of War
The Global fight to control Corona virus has now been referred to by many as a War. It is easy to understand why. The destruction it has already caused to millions of people is hard to fully fathom or estimate. At the current time, the death toll remains extremely...
Marvin Baumeister – the extreme CEO
Marvin Baumeister is not your average business person. He is the owner of clothing and sports shop, director of a kite boarding company, the CEO of a kite foil manufacturing company, a music producer, tourism promoter and sponsored kite surfer. His rule in...
Endless opportunities
To be inspiredBook Reviews
Reviews of Books read by Riccardo
Book Review- The Happiness Trap
Russ Harris is a Melbourne based GP, best know for his passion for ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy). What is ACT you ask. It is a type of therapy, related to cognitive behavior therapy, though is some ways quite different. I plan to give a more complete summary...
The life changing magic of tidying up- Marie Kondo
I have a confession to make. I am messy, very messy and not at all organised, at least in any traditional sense. In-fact it is probably more than just being disorganized. In my fourth year of medicine I was called to see the dean because the cleaners of the...
The life changing magic of not giving a f*ck- by Sarah Knight
In my opinion, people think too much. Not about things worth thinking about, like solving the energy crisis, but about useless stuff . People spend too much time worrying about things that really aren’t worth thinking about. Have you ever spent a sleepless night...