Book Reviews
Book Review- The Happiness Trap
Russ Harris is a Melbourne based GP, best know for his passion for ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy). What is ACT you ask. It is a type of therapy, related to cognitive behavior therapy, though is some ways quite different. I plan to give a more complete summary...
The life changing magic of tidying up- Marie Kondo
I have a confession to make. I am messy, very messy and not at all organised, at least in any traditional sense. In-fact it is probably more than just being disorganized. In my fourth year of medicine I was called to see the dean because the cleaners of the...
The life changing magic of not giving a f*ck- by Sarah Knight
In my opinion, people think too much. Not about things worth thinking about, like solving the energy crisis, but about useless stuff . People spend too much time worrying about things that really aren’t worth thinking about. Have you ever spent a sleepless night...
The Power of Reading
Bill Gates reads a book per week. Warren buffet says he reads between 500 to 1000 pages per day. Studies of successful people show that there is one habit they nearly always have in common- they read. This however goes against the general trend in most modern...
Book review- Man’s search for Meaning
This personal development book is an absolute must read. It is the equivalent to what Gone with the wind is to classic film, Romeo and Juliet to romance, and Hulk Hogan is to wrestling. Seventy years after Man’s Search for Meaning was written, it remains an...